3,63 €
Para cantidades superiores a 10 unidades, solicite información a email [email protected] para conocer descuentos y ofertas. "En caso de no encontrar lo que busca, nosotros lo fabricamos para usted, solicite información a email [email protected]".
Themethacrylate opaque color is a thermoplastic characterized by its bright color, lightness and weatherability Plastic Express we manufacture made- to-measure opaquecolor methacrylate items applying to the material the processes of:
Also known as polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), opaque colored methacrylate has the following characteristics:
As a result, methacrylatehas multiple areas of application:
Construction and interior design
Visual comunication
Finally, at Plastic Express we offer you advice on your projects, we also have a professional and multidisciplinary team to help you select the material and the necessary handling to execute your ideas.
To be able to offer you a quote for this material or other material that we sell, send us an email to the email [email protected] with the following information:
If you cannot find the measurements you need, request a custom budget or write to us at [email protected] , in the subject you indicate the material such as, for example, custom opaquecolor methacrylate
Remember that if you are an industry professional you can get special discounts by accessing the form budgets for professionals.